The only 6 acre blocks ever released in Palmerston!
- 1.3 km from the nearest school on Waler Road
- 2.5 km from Palmerston Senior College
- 4.7 km from Palmerston City centre, clubs/taverns and major shopping
- 5.2 km from Gateway Shopping Centre
- 22 km from the Darwin CBD via Tiger Brennan Drive
- Leisurely walk or short drive from the Marlow Lagoon Recreation Area
- 2.5 km from Palmerston Aquatic and Fitness Centre
- 2.9 km from Palmerston Golf Club
- 5.7 km from Palmerston Water Park
- 6.2 km from the Elizabeth River boat ramp

Marlow Country Estate Stage 2 – turn off Elrundie Avenue into Catalina Road then right into Bridle Road.
Marlow Country Estate Stage 3 – turn off Elrundie Avenue into Waler Road or Catalina Road; turn into Flockhart Drive, then into Stockwhip Drive and finally, Surcingle Drive.
Marlow Country Estate Stage 4 – turn off Elrundie Avenue into Waler Road; turn right at the roundabout near the Palmerston Christian School into Flockhart Drive.